Friday, January 06, 2012

Putting on the blitz

This week was a different week. I was cold all the time and it took a lot more to get warm than usual. I was also disappointment because I wasn't loosing the weight each day like I was before. I would lose .5 lbs, gain .5 lbs, lose, gain. I went to read in the book which explained that after loosing 20 lbs one could expect to have a slow down in their weight loss, the plan was still working, but you wouldn't still see it on the scales maybe for a few days. It explained there could be various reasons for this; their body could be stabilizing from the change, water retention from pre or post menopause or changes in hormone levels, pre/post period.  It also explained that this is the time in the diet where people often quit because they get discouraged, and go back to bad eating habits. It explains how you can start the next phase if you think you can't carry on in this phase, and then maintain the weight you have lost, or you can put ont he blitz.

Dr. Dukan recamended:
1) double your walking time in which, I must confess wasn't doing regularly. December is a very busy month and I didn't always have the time...yes that is a total excuse and should not be accepted. It really is all about making priorities.

2) get sleep before midnight- what? I couldn't believe it. My mother has been telling me for years, and her father told her that the sleep you get before midnight counts the most for some reason.

3) try a directic tea- to help release some hidden water.

I didn't give up, trusted Dr. Dukan, and started walking, drank a directic tea- (Skinny Tea from David's Teas), falling asleep before midnight just didn't happen this week. But today I lost 1.2 lbs....yes!!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Keep it up and keep going. It will be all worth it in the end.
