Sunday, January 08, 2012

Have I noticed an increase in my grocery bill?

A few people have asked me if my grocery bill has increased since stating this diet. I would have to say that I haven't noticed a difference, but I consider myself a frugal shopper, (but always room for improvement or suggestions), and now there are 2 of us in the household that are doing the diet, so we will see if that makes a difference.

Shopping tips:

1) Stalk up on sales: I do this a lot. When turkeys were on sale for $1.27/lb for Christmas, I bought 3 and put them in the freezer to have at a later time. When ground beef went on sale, I did the same thing, but I freeze them in portion sizes that I think I might use. For example, I froze all the beef in 1 lb bags as one recipe for beef jerky is one lb. This means though that you have to have a deep freeze and cash upfront to get the sales.

2)look for cheaper versions of the thing. When I make seafood chowder, I buy the chowder mix, and add a can of clams or other seafood that I may have gotten on sale. I find this is cheaper. I don't usually add lobster.

3) reduced produce: Every store has a shelf or section to sell the over ripe produce. I check this section to see if there is anything I want to use that night for supper and will buy it there. Or, I may buy the produce on sale and prepare it to freeze or juice it. The other night I bought to bags of overipe tommatoes and came home and grilled them for tomatoe sauce.

4)Salmon: I buy the whole fish frozen, from the Pacific Ocean. It's not as pink, but it still tastes good. I bake it in the oven with lemon slices and dill, or cut it in steaks and cook it on the George Foreman Grill.

I think one difference is that I'm not buying hardly any fruit anymore (some for one family member), and less vegetables, buy try as I  may, some still seemed to go to waste. So if you consider that you won't be buying as many fruits and veggies, and buy the protein on sale, it won't necessarily cost you anymore. And, I'm not buying chips, cookies, or treats anymore, and those can add up as well. You also don't need to buy the prime rib steak all the time either. :)

Does anyone else have any tips to cut costs when buying groceries ?

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