I consider myself a condiments girl, and really only ate meat so I could taste the condiments…yum…there are so many different flavours,
and I love to eat vegetables…so I was surprised to discover that I could do the
Dukan Diet.
The Dukan Diet, as any diet, may not be for everyone, but so
far it is working for me. I have lost 19 lbs in one month, and still going
strong with no urges even to cheat. There are 4 stages to the diet, and you do
each stage for a different length of time depending on the amount of weight you
want to lose.
The Attack phase- this is the first phase which you are
limited to eating lean protein and 1.5 tbs of oat bran. You can do this
anywhere from 1 – 10 days, but the book recommends that if you do it for the
longer time, to consult with a Dr. You must also drink 1.5 quarts of water each
day, and walk for 20 minutes.
The Cruise phase- the phase I am in now, allows you to do
the attack phase one day, and then lean protein plus veggies except white
potatoes, plus the oat bran, which can be made into a delicious “galette” or
pancake and used instead of bread. And, no to forget, to drink 1.5 quarts of
water and now walk 30 minutes a day.
You can also use artificial sweetener, which I was little
concerned about with some research relating it to alzheimers, but have decided
to use the healthiest version, Stevia. Diet sodas, herbal teas, are allowed,
and you must drink 1.5 quarts of water each day.
How does diet work? Why is it different from other diets?
The book explains that
the digestion of proteins is the most time consuming and therefore burns more energy (p.18).
“protein is composed of an aggregate of ery long chains of molecules whose
basic links, amino acids, are connected to each other by a strongbond that
requires a lot more work to be broken down (than carbs).” (p.28). If you don’t drink enough water, “The waste
from your burning of fats will accumulate and extinguish the metabolic rate.”
I highly recommend buying the book to read all the
recommendations and cautions so you can do it safely and effectively. The book is entitled, The Dukan Diet by: Dr.
Pierre Dukan.
You can do it! You are doing an awesome job!!